The origin of ACC.

A.C.C. was founded on 1 October 2015 as a partnership between Carlo Lambrechts, Ercan Koçak and Useyin Altun.

Carlo Lambrechts

has a career experience in depot and terminal management. He held management positions for a.o. CSI, Teveco, GCS and DPWACS.

Hüseyin Altun

Started his career with Karl Gross (later KG Logistics). In 1998 he was given the opportunity to become a co-shareholder of the now renamed Altun Logistics NV, of which he became the sole shareholder in 2011.

Ercan Koçak

he started his career as a container repairer and has built up sufficient knowledge and experience over the years. Which allows him to control the entire recovery process.

Our team

These fantastic people will always help you

Nicolas Jacob

Operations / M&R

Patty Wojsznis

Administration / Finance

Brian Keizer

Administration / Desk







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